2nd EAST NMR Young Investigators' Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the 2nd EAST-NMR Young Investigators' Meeting will be held on May 16-18, 2012 in Bratislava, Slovakia. 7FP project EAST NMR supports transnational access to state-of-art instrumentation especially for young researchers in Europe. The meeting will be focused primarily on biomolecular applications of high-resolution NMR, but new methods and theoretical aspects of NMR parameters will be discussed as well. Five keynote lectures will be delivered by senior scientists and 24 oral presentations (15 + 5 min.) are allocated to students and postdocs. Two poster sessions will follow afternoon programme.

The meeting is open to all EAST-NMR participants.

Registration and Deadline

Accommodation, fees and meals will be covered by the conference budget. For registration please send a short (less than one page) abstract to Miloš Hricovíni (Milos.Hricovini@savba.sk) before April 15th, 2012.

Local Organization

Miloš Hricovíni (Chair)
Mária Matulová
Iveta Uhliariková

EU logo EU logo The meeting is organized within EAST-NMR
project funded from the 7th Framework
programme for research and development
Š 2012 Institute of Chemistry SAS, Center for Glycomics, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 38 Bratislava, Slovakia